Wednesday 15 May 2013

15 - The Atomic number of Phosphorus

There's a fact! We're also almost half-way through May (where did that go?) and still have some beautiful pictures coming in thick and fast.....

Caitlin Cadieux is working on a series of woodland carousel creatures, meet the Bear! He just wants a hug...

Daniel Martinez sharing a sketch for an illustration he WILL finish!

 Laura Kent's exhibit for her show is up and running (minus the Knackerbad pizza)

 Nick Macaluso with a nifty fishy

 Catherine Barrett with some Celtic goddesses: Flidais, Rhiannon, Morrigan and Brigid.

Keri Jayne has done another large-scale abstract painting

Becky Draws As for me, I made some googly Game of Thrones cards! You can OWN these bad boys too by clicking on this link-  or this one

You can still join in the joy of drawing!

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