Wednesday 29 May 2013


Ok I have been naughty and not updated, and to be honest the Bank Holiday weekend made it pretty quiet, so I'm going to amalgamate 3 days into one post!

First, Sunday 26th......
Just me!! We went to UK Board Games Expo so I didn't get much drawn myself, although I did take the opportunity to sketch some speakers at a seminar we sat in on about Board Game design.

I also had the pleasure of seeing my work BLOWN UP and on display at the Too Much Games stand, it looked fab. There was also one of the illustrations in the Programme - considering the expo was attended by over 5,000 people, that's probably a few people who saw it....amazing!

27th May


Justine Rogers did a really sweet lil cat warming it's whiskers

Some little pieces from me for a board game I'm working on, cat related.

Sketch from Keri Jayne!

28th May

Few  more yesterday, hooray!
Daniel Martinez drew a dude

Some more cats bits and bobs from me!

 Nick Macaluso pitched in with a couple of lively sketches

Tom Woods is practising his digital painting by copying the Master---Frazetti!
Another sweet sketch from Keri Jayne

Well I'm all caught up now, just a couple more days of May to go! 

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