Saturday 4 May 2013

May the Fourth (be with you)

As today was May the Fourth and ripe for all those Star Wars puns, I suggested a theme of Sci-fi! This is my murderous little Alien.

 Justine Roger's Star Wars D20 character, Captain Solstice Nova

Robin Coles explores the negative sides of new technology!

Karen Henry did some field work with an artist's worst nightmare, a rubbish pen! Nice alien inclusion there!

 Daniel Martinez managed to squeeze a picture in between partying :)

Nick Macaluso's looks like some of the plants I have growing on my windowsill at the moment.
Sam Mace's 'Futuristic Rosehip'. Artfully minimal!

Keri Jayne has some sort of infinite drawing going on here! While watching Star Trek :D

Jade Harrison watched some rubbish football and drew an Angry Bird dressed as Luke Skywalker! Hooray!

Come and join in with the fun, it's never too late!

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