Wednesday 1 May 2013

1st Contributors

Here's the guys who got in on the first day, a real interesting bunch of stuff!
 Andra Cristea's rather beautiful coral image, which is the inspiration for her next ceramics project. I'm not sure what has been created with but I love it! (edit- It's on a graphics tablet)
This goony looking chap by Elisa Phillips is a character from a short film she is working on.

 Susan Tarpy has been working on a wonderful book called 'Doug the Slug' - this is a great image from that.
Tom Woods going for a Tiki vibe in his sketchbook, fast, loose and awesome! 

It's not too late to join in, and don't feel bad if you miss a day, it's all about getting a community together and sharing our talents with each other! Come and join us at

& invite your friends!!

Late entry from Sam Mace, a quick and dirty but remarkably effective sketch!

Oh, and Jade Harrison put in a VERY early entry back on 25th April which I shamefully forgot to add. Sorry Jade!

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