Thursday 2 May 2013

Some Seconds....

Day Two and what have we got?

I only managed a few sketches today, I had plans to do some daffodil studies but I ended up having to do housework as we are having guests tomorrow! So I squeezed in a visit to Amerton Farm and drew some goats and cows.


Jade Harrison doing interesting planety things with spray paints!

Jenny Addison is trying out digital media in this charming scene from 'Little Miss Muffet'

Sam Mace with another simple yet effective study.

 Susan Tarpy has been to the beach today I think! I'd love to see this in colour...

Catherine Barrett doing Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom and arts. Appropriate!

Keri Jayne's rather large drawing...I'm not sure what it is but I rather like it!

Keri possibly expressing how we all feel at the moment with deadlines coming up!

Looking forward to seeing the next lot......

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